A short, under one hour, first person atmospheric "horror" game. Play as Mr Hopton, your supply trip to the local village is interrupted by a meteor crashing nearby. Gameplay includes finding items, jumping over obstacles, evading enemies and a boss fight. Can you complete the game without losing any hearts?

Made in Unity 2019.4.13f1 using URP and the new input system, this game was made as an opportunity to learn the new features in Unity. The source code and assets are released under MIT license, hopefully it helps someone else learn.

Download Project Files and Source Code

The game was developed live on stream, Watch Videos of the Development Process.


Windows 7 64bit 43 MB
Windows 7 32bit 43 MB


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Really great game but I couldn't finish it because I'm always stuck in something

Thanks for playing! That jumping section is very difficult its the last part before the boss. If you do want to beat it you will want to explore all the paths as there's a way to heal your HP which is crucial for making the boss easier.